Step 3: Now, right-click on the application that you want to allocate more RAM. Step 2: After opening Task Manager, go to the “Details Tab.” For this, press the CTRL + SHIFT + ESC keys on your keyboard. Step 1: Open the Task Manager app on your Windows 10 computer.

Allocate More RAM To Specific Apps in Windows 10 Here is a step-by-step guide for the same. Normally, Windows does a good job on deciding the memory allocation for each app but you can overide the srttinfs prioritize specific apps in Windows 10. If you are facing issues with browsers like Firefox and Chrome, the best way to try to fix is by allocating more memory to the program. You can fix this issue by optimizing the memory usage allotment on your computer.

This is mainly due to the allotment of RAM on the device for that program. Even having multiple tabs on the web browser slows down the performance. In Windows 10 operating system, the device lags in performance after using it for some time or keeping multiple programs open.